Friday, October 17, 2008

The History

I am not sure where to start..... Well, I guess I better start with posting the first blog that my father started. Most of you have read this, most of you may have searched for it and could not find it. The page was deleted, but I felt a need to bring it back; if nothing else, as a place for me to get through this, and a place where we can all share and post just how much this wonderful man meant to each of us.

So proud to call myself his son,
Tyler Jarman


A Huge Decision

A Huge Decision
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

As you all know, I have been fighting an ongoing weight battle for more years that I choose to think. My excessive weight has created numerous health problems that include Type II Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Sleep Apnea, Atrial Fibrilation and a lower back that never stops hurting! It's time for a permanent lifestyle change!I have spent the past few months researching gastric bypass surgery, which I feel is my only option since the "yo-yo" results from dieting hasn't helped at all. My first research was to find a doctor who had "all the credentials" and a positive history of results. This search led me to Dr. James Kenneth Champion ( Dr. Champion has performed over 3,000 of these surgeries and is one of the top 3 bariatric surgeons in the country. The Atlanta magazine listed him as the top bariatric surgeon in Atlanta.

Before seeing Dr. Champion I researched the different types of procedures and the overall projected success rates with each. I spoke with several individuals who have had the surgery and each describes their surgery as a "life changing event". A customer of mine (Chris) had gastric bypass surgery in 2002 and he has lost 167 pounds (and kept it off). During our talk I found out that Dr. Champion did his surgery ~ small world! Like me, Chris had Diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea. He also suffered from acid reflux. When Chris left the hospital 48 hours after his surgery, his diabetes was gone, he no longer required medications for high blood pressure of cholesterol, and his acid reflux and sleep apnea had disappeared!

I met with Dr. Champion today and spent almost two hours with him and his staff, going over my medical history and (I hate to admit it but must) my morbid obesity. To quote Dr. Champion, he said "you have 2 choices; have the surgery and change your life forever, or do nothing and get ready for a "train wreck" I won't survive. That kind of put everything into perspective!

I have made the decision to have Roux-en-Y (RNY) gastric bypass surgery, which, according to Dr. Champion, will provide me with immediate as well as long term life changing benefits. I will no longer need to take medication for diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol. My sleep apnea will disappear and, quite simply, I'll have my life back.

Why am I doing this? Several reasons........................ 1st - I want to have many more years with my wonderful and loving wife because 40 years just isn't enough! I have two fantastic sons who have been blessed with loving wives and children . I want to see my grandchildren grow up into adulthood and, without the surgery, I doubt if I will see them graduate from kindergarten or elementary school! I also want to do this for myself. I want to feel good again and I want to project a professional image to business associates - something that is sorely lacking right now.

So when is the surgery going to happen? First we have to wait for the insurance company to send a letter of approval to Dr. Champion. This should be a formality since they have already given me a verbal "OK". Second, I have a business trip the 5th - 7th of October for a trade show in Orlando. If all things are in order, I would like to schedule the surgery for the 14th of 15th of October. (Dr. Champion operates on Tuesday's and Wednesday's). I have spoken with my cardiologist, endocrinologist, vascular surgeon, rheumatologist and family physician. All are in agreement with Dr. Champion and are in favor of the surgery.

I have several things I need to do prior to the surgery; join the local YMCA so I will have a place to go each day for a monitored exercise program and start a balanced diet. The diet starts now and the "Y" will take place by next week. I am having a procedure done on my back on Monday the 15th to eliminate the pain from a herniated disc. As soon as this is done I will be able to hit the treadmill and walk in the evenings!

And yes, I know that there are risks with any surgery - that is Linda's biggest concern - she hates the fact that I will be under general anesthesia for an hour - and I don't particularly like the idea either. On the bright side, Dr. Champion has not had any patients who had complications from the anesthesia. However, it is my feeling that the benefits far outweigh the risks. As I move forward, I ask for your prayers and support. I will keep you updated on this blog as to how things progress.

The Good Lord willing, you will all be seeing a lot less of me in the future.



This was my response....................



Carla and I cannot begin to put into words just how proud we are of you for taking these steps. Carla yesterday alone said “I am so proud of him” at least 12 times that I counted. We both... With tears of happiness filling our eyes, are with you 110% as you travel down this road. Anytime you feel like the diet is too hard, or the exercise is too much… Just stop... and think about your goal. That will get you through this journey. We are here every step of the way. Mom will be with you to. She may not feel so supportive right now, but she just wants the best for you (as we all do). She will learn as well as the rest of us that this risk is far less risky than the current trail you are blazing.

It is with a joyful heart that I scream: “Go Get it Dad”. What is “it” you ask? It is your future, your new found Joy in life, your many more years with your wife, your smile, your health, your joy and big heart that you will past right on down to your grandchildren. It is time for the beauty and gigantic heart that we all see inside you to come on out and shine on the outside as well.

I leave with you now my favorite word… Juggernaut: A term used to describe a force regarded as unstoppable, that will crush all in its path.

I know that you will embody this word as you embark on this mission. Don’t let anything get in the way of your goal as you work to CRUSH any obstacle that finds itself in your way.


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